Fun With KQL Windowing Functions – Row_Rank_Dense


The Kusto Windowing Function row_rank_dense is an interesting function. It lets you get a unique count of a specific column in a dataset. Unlike other methods of getting counts, row_rank_dense allows you to see each individual row of data.

First though, if you’ve not read the introductory post on Windowing Functions, Fun With KQL Windowing Functions – Serialize and Row_Number, you should do so now as it introduced several important concepts needed to understand how these Windowing Functions work.

The samples in this post will be run inside the LogAnalytics demo site found at This demo site has been provided by Microsoft and can be used to learn the Kusto Query Language at no cost to you.

If you’ve not read my introductory post in this series, I’d advise you to do so now. It describes the user interface in detail. You’ll find it at

Note that my output may not look exactly like yours when you run the sample queries for several reasons. First, Microsoft only keeps a few days of demo data, which are constantly updated, so the dates and sample data won’t match the screen shots.

Second, I’ll be using the column tool (discussed in the introductory post) to limit the output to just the columns needed to demonstrate the query. Finally, Microsoft may make changes to both the user interface and the data structures between the time I write this and when you read it.

Row_Rank_Dense Basics

The row_rank_dense is used to determine the density of a value. By passing in a sorted dataset, you can get a rank number for each item. The rank number changes only when the value we’re evaluating changes.

An example will make this much clearer. We start by creating a datatable with three columns. The rowNum is just used to make it easier to discuss the output in a moment. Likewise rowVal provides some easy to consume text.

The important column is valToRankOn. It is this value that is going to be evaluated within our row_rank_dense Windowing Function.

The SomeData dataset is piped into a sort, where we sort on the value we are evaluating in ascending order. We will also sort on the rowVal, so when we have two identical values in valToRankOn, we can display the output in a logical fashion. In a real world situation, this might be the name of computer or perhaps a counter of some kind.

Using a sort will also mark the data as serializable, which is required in order to use row_rank_dense. For more on serialization, see the Fun With KQL Windowing Functions – Serialize and Row_Number post I mentioned in the introduction.

Finally we fall into an extend, creating a new column Rank. We’ll assign it the output of our row_rank_dense function. In it we use one parameter, the name of the column to be evaluated, here it is valToRankOn.

In the output, our first row is row 7, with a valToRankOn of 1. Thus it is assigned a Rank of 1.

The next row is row 8, it has the next smallest value of 6 in the valToRankOn column, so it gets a Rank of 2.

Rows 6 and 9 both have the same valToRankOn, 17. Since 17 is the third smallest value, both rows are given a Rank of 3. Because we included rowVal in the sort, they are listed in order of the rowVal, Value 06 then Value 09.

This continues for the remaining rows of data. We can see both how many unique values we have, six, and still see each individual row of data.

Density by Largest Value

In the above example, by sorting the valToRankOn in ascending order the smallest values come first, then increase with a Rank of 1 being given to the smallest value.

If we had instead sorted valToRankOn in descending order, sort by valToRankOn desc, ..., then the Rank of 1 would have been assigned to the largest value, then as the valToRankOn decreased the Rank would have increased. I’ll leave it as an exercise for you to play with this by altering the sort order for your sample queries.

Grouping In Row_Rank_Dense

It is also possible to organize rankings within a group. For example, within a single computer you might want to rank a counter value. With the next computer you’d want the rankings to begin again. This would allow you to have rankings that are unique to each computer.

In the example below I’ve added a new column to the datatable named groupVal. We’ll be using this column for our grouping. It was also added to the sort operator so we’ll sort by group first, then the value to rank on, and finally the rowVal text.

The row_rank_dense function supports a second parameter, a boolean value that when true will trigger a new group to begin. Here we are using an equation, which will compare the groupVal for the current row to the one of the previous row using the prev Windowing Function. If they are not equal, the comparison will return true and trigger row_rank_dense to begin a new dense rank grouping.

In the output, rows 1 and 3 (from the rowNum column) have the same valToRankOn, so are both given the Rank of 1. The third row in this group, row 2, is assigned a Rank of 2.

With row 4, we see the groupVal has changed. So the row_rank_dense function reset and began a new ranking, assigning this row a Rank of 1.

When the group changes again in row 7, the Rank value is again reset to 1 and we work our way up.

Row_Rank_Dense in the Real World

Let’s take a look now at an example of using row_rank_dense for a “real world” query. Here, we are going to query the Perf table to bring back rows for the last five minutes where the CounterValue is Bytes Sent/sec, and we’ll remove any rows with a value of zero.

We’ll project each column we need and sort the data. Here we’ll again sort in ascending order so the smallest counter values come first, but we could just have easily sorted the CounterValue in descending order so the largest values came first.

When we call row_rank_dense, we’ll pass in the value we want to rank in the first parameter, CounterValue. In the second parameter we’ll compare the name of the computer in this row to the one of the previous row using the prev function. When they don’t match the comparison will return true, which will trigger the row_rank_dense function to begin a new group.

As you can see, we begin with computer CH-AMAVM, with its value of 2.26333 given the rank of 1, then the rank values increase as the counter values increase.

When we hit computer CH1-AVSMGMTVM, note the Rank reset itself. The first row for this computer, with a counter value of 2.34613 has a Rank of 1.

This pattern will repeat for the remaining rows of data from our query.

See Also

The following operators, functions, and/or plugins were used or mentioned in this article’s demos. You can learn more about them in some of my previous posts, linked below.

Fun With KQL – Datatable

Fun With KQL – Extend

Fun With KQL – Let

Fun With KQL Windowing Functions – Prev and Next

Fun With KQL – Project

Fun With KQL – Sort

Fun With KQL – Where


In this post you saw how to use the row_rank_dense Windowing Function to order and rank values in a dataset from smallest to largest, or largest to smallest.

The next and final post in the Kusto Window Functions series will cover the use of row_window_session to group and organize data into time windows.

The demos in this series of blog posts were inspired by my Pluralsight courses on the Kusto Query Language, part of their Kusto Learning Path.

There are three courses in this series so far:

I have two previous Kusto courses on Pluralsight as well. They are older courses but still valid.

These are a few of the many courses I have on Pluralsight. All of my courses are linked on my About Me page.

If you don’t have a Pluralsight subscription, just go to my list of courses on Pluralsight. On the page is a Try For Free button you can use to get a free 10 day subscription to Pluralsight, with which you can watch my courses, or any other course on the site.

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